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Nazi domination mistress sessions

Everyone loves the Nazis the taboo Nazi domination sessions

Let’s talk about one of the most awful and exciting taboos of all. Of course, slave Bobbie understands that members of some of the minorities that were. For example, shall we say with understatement, mistreated by the Nazis? This might use a word other than exciting. But for many BDSM-ers it is appropriate.

Pubescent slave fantasy nazi domination

Were you like slave Bobbie as a pre-pubescent, excited by the confected cartoon-like porno pictures? These are offered by the more outlandish adult comic books that were on sale for a while a few decades back?

Comic books that showed pictures of female camp guards in the familiar black uniform of the SS. Except, that they were wearing jackboots with stiletto heels over jodhpurs that were too figure-hugging to be of much military utility. They had blouses that were way too tight. These were designed to show off bosoms that were thrust way too forward. And they wore makeup that was too garish. With images like these for me to go flat. Why would Nazi domination not appeal to me?


One wonders about the military necessity that saw these amazons of the Third Reich carrying whips rather than sub-machine guns or rifles. That is the traditional image of Nazi domination within be BDSM sceane.

Many UK mistresses refuse to carry out this fantasy scenario. Furthermore, they find it too distasteful. Inevitably, there is also the implied and sinister link with asphyxiation and breath control.

The distasteful conundrum

Some, however, resolve this distasteful conundrum by dialling it down a degree or two. They wear a uniform and a peaked cap. However, it won’t be “SS black”. A harsh interrogation? How thick has the German accent got to be? You can see the type of thing here deviantart

Some clients like to imagine themselves as a member of one of these persecuted minorities. Acting out an absolutely dreadful scenario which would fill any normal person with the most gut-wrenching fear. Additionally, while reaching a sexual climax. Of course, it represents an attenuated simulation of the real thing.

You’re pretending psychodrama

But then doesn’t all BDSM essentially boil down to that? Why should the pretend-politics inside a pretend-psychodrama represent a transgression?

Some years ago, certain tabloids erroneously hammered Max Mosley. The Formula 1 supremo for just such an excursion.  Although, the court decided subsequently that they believed his version and that wasn’t what happened.

Have you ever given or received ‘Nazi domination’? Do let us know.

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